Hope for the Broken



Everyone has felt the feeling of being broken before. Where you can legit feel your heart crumble inside of your chest…. No matter how you try to cover it up, the feeling of pain, brokenness, emptiness, and unworthiness begins to settle. You want to talk to people about it, but you have this voice in your ear telling you, “no one cares and no one understands. They don’t want to hear about your problems and what’s hurting you.” The voice that keeps us quiet, as if everything is alright. But, deep down, you’re drowning by your own thoughts. There’s been multiple times where I’ve felt this exact pain,  so you’re not alone. There’s been times where I didn’t even want to look myself in the mirror because of all the hurt and pain that I was battling. I felt disgusted with myself, because I thought to myself, “here you go again, Jemiah…putting yourself through unnecessary hurt AGAIN.” It felt like an on going cycle. Like a nightmare that would begin from the beginning over and over but wouldn’t end. Before I fully surrendered my life to Christ, I didn’t know how to cope with this hurt and bottled up pain. I turned to fleshly desires that I “thought’ would satisfy me. I turned to weed, liquor, sex, toxic relationships, and other things that didn’t do anything but dig me into a deeper hole. I hated myself for continuing to put myself into the same situations and getting the same results. Holding in how I felt and covering it up because of fear of how people would see “me,” that I got to a point where I didn’t feel at all. I was completely numb to every single thing, I didn’t realize I was hurting anymore….I thought it suddenly went away, when it was just all hiding dormant. I didn’t have anyone to encourage me and uplift me, because I was too ashamed to open up. I was ashamed to confront my hurt so that I could fully heal the way God desired for me to. I didn’t think God cared about me anymore, I didn’t think He was there at the moment because for 1, I wasn’t focused on Him. For 2, I thought He was allowing me to feel this way, when it actuality, I did it to myself. Now, He DID allow me to continue to fall on my face so that I would finally turn to Him, and I did. I couldn’t fight those battles on my own and I didn’t want to. I gave up and allowed God to step in and takeover…and, I’m glad that I did.


Confrontation and Honesty

These 2 words hold so much power. Confrontation means that even when you necessarily don’t want to face something, its important that you do. Why? Because when we confront our hurt, pain, and anything else that we may be battling, that means we’re tired. Being tired means you’re DONE battling and ignoring the problem. It means you’re ready for change and you’re ready to receive your healing. Have you ever been so tired, that you don’t care how desperate you look to be better and move forward? That’s me. I believe until you reach that breaking point, you won’t see results and things beginning to change. I remember a couple of months ago, crying myself to sleep every single night. Pressing my face into my pillow so no one would hear me because I didn’t want to hear, “whats wrong?” I didn’t want to confront what was hurting me, I didn’t want to deal with it. I just wanted to privately cry and continue to ignore it. One morning, I prayed and asked God to heal me. I told God that I was tired and hurting to the point where I couldn’t continue to move forward. He instantly gave me a scripture that gave me reassurance. He gave me Psalm 34:18 – “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” It was that reminder of Him being there, that changed everything. I instantly began to repent and confront all of how I felt to God. I began to cry out and pour out to God. As I was crying out to Him, I heard Him say, “I will give you rest, rest in me and my word. I have already given you healing, now receive it.” Immediately, I got up and received the healing that God had already provided. You see, our faith, honesty, and perspective can change SO much. I began to see myself as healed, renewed, and restored. I began to thank God for His healing power and for allowing me to go through those hardships because they were all purposeful, although at the time, I didn’t think they were. This brings me to honesty… God delights in our honesty because if we’re not being honest, we’re being liars, and lying isn’t of God. the Bible says, “But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.” (1 John 1:9). You see, confession is very important. Without it, how can God truly work on our hearts? How can He restore us if we aren’t even honest with Him and even ourselves. Be honest always. Talk about how you feel and what’s bothering you. Never hesitant to pour out to God and cry out to Him. He’s our Father and comforter. He is close to those who are crushed in spirit. Also, never be ashamed to share and talk to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Ask them for prayer and encouragement. They care and they are there for you… don’t listen to the lies of the enemy. You are never alone. 


Give yourself time/Change your perspective 

Give yourself time to heal. A lot of us don’t take out the time that we need and the time that God NEEDS to heal and restore us. It is Gods desire for us to be whole and completely healed. Whether you are healing from a relationship, friendship, family issues, and etc…take time out for yourself. It is ok to say no. It is ok to not be ok. It is ok to not have it all together and figured out. Sometimes, we try to rush the healing process and we shouldn’t. You want to step back and let God heal you COMPLETELY. God wants to carry your baggage for you, He wants you to cast ALL of your cares and all thats hurting you, on to Him. Focus on Jesus and becoming a better version of yourself. Reflect on where you messed up and how you can be better the next time. Focus on BREAKING the cycles that you continue to go through. Reflecting and changing your perspective can put you into a better mind state during your process of healing. Don’t regret all you’ve been through, don’t hate yourself and the decisions you’ve made. Thats self condemnation, and there is NO condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. But, there is grace, love, and mercy available for you. There is forgiveness available for you. God knows we will do things and mess up before we even do it. But because He’s such a great Father and He wants us to grow and mature, He allows us to go through these things so that we can learn and be better the next time. So, I encourage you to count it ALL joy when you face hardships. For all things work together for the good of those who love Jesus. Continue to focus on digging deeper into God and His word and He will handle everything else. Don’t just go through it, GROW through it!


Psalm 147:3 – He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds.



Heavenly Father, thank you for your healing power. Thank you for your comfort and protection that you show me. I pray that you give me the strength to endure every hardship and situation that I go through, even if I don’t understand why. I trust you with my heart and I know that you are faithful and just to heal and restore my heart. Help me to be honest with you and help me to change my perspective. Cancel and block every assignment of self condemnation and everything else that didn’t come from you. I know that you are healing me and comforting me. Help me to desire you and you alone. In Jesus name, amen. 

I love you, and God loves you more. – JemiahMB



4 thoughts on “Hope for the Broken”

  1. I really needed to read this. I have been going through a lot for a couple of years now and looking for guidance on submitting to his will and giving it all to him. Thank you for this lovely post.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for this blog post. I needed this more than ever. I have been going through so much both emotionally and spiritually and the words of encouragement in this post has really uplifted me in the spirit.

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  3. Beautiful post! Self condemnation is so real, especially for us believers. Sometimes it’s hard to escape the expectation that says “we must be perfect”. This is so damaging because in the face of sin, there can be such a heavy feeling of guilt. But like you said, it is important that we become open and honest. Face the thing you’re battling with head on, and know you are not alone because you have a God that is constantly by your side!

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